Early Years Practitioner (Gaelic) (30hpw) (Fixed Term until 03 July 2025) Glen Urquhart Primary School, Drumnadrochit

Highland Council
Glenurquhart Primary School

Job Description

Post Title: Early Years Practitioner
Location: Glen Urquhart Primary School
Hours: 30 Hours Per Week
Duration: Fixed Term until 03 July 2025
Salary: £18,809 – £20,603 (unqualified) £20,893 – £22,880 (qualified)

Salary placing will normally be at the first point of the scale.

Applications from Gaelic speakers is essential.

For information on working in ELC check out childcarecareersscotland.scot/

For guidance and tips on ELC roles within Highland Council click here

Contact Details: Kerry Laird Tel: 01456 450458

Job Purpose: To work as an effective member of a team, delivering a flexible, high quality, early learning and child care service that meets the needs of young children and their families.


The Highland Council understands that diversity fosters creativity and innovation. We are committed to equality of opportunity and being fair and inclusive. We welcome applicants from people from all backgrounds, representative of the communities we serve and particularly encourage applications from candidates who are likely to be under-represented in our workforce.

As a disability confident employer, we guarantee to interview all disabled applicants who meet the minimum essential criteria requirements for the post.

Tiotal Dreuchd: Neach-obrach Thràth-bhliadhnaichean
Àite: Bun-sgoil Ghlinn Urchadain
Uairean: 30 san t-seachdain
Ùine: Stèidhichte gu 03 Iuchar 2025
Tuarastal: £18,809 – £20,603 (Gun teisteanas) £20,893 – £22,880 (Le teisteanas)

San àbhaist, bidh an tuarastal aig a’ chiad ìre dhen bhann.

Feumaidh Gàidhlig a bhith aig tagraichean.

Gheibhear fiosrachadh mu bhith ag obair ann an Tràth-ionnsachadh is Cùram-chloinne (TCC) bho: childcarecareersscotland.scot/

Gheibhear stiùireadh is beachdan mu dhreuchdan TCC ann an Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd an seo.

Neach Fiosrachaidh: Kerry Laird Fòn: 01456 450458


’S e fastaiche Co-ionannachd Chothroman a th’ ann an Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd agus tha i dealasach a thaobh a bhith a’ leasachadh iomadachd a feachd-obrach. Tha sinn a’ cur fàilte air iarrtasan bho dhaoine bho gach cùl-raon, a’ riochdachadh nan coimhearsnachdan a bhios sinn a’ frithealadh. Tha sinn a’ brosnachadh iomadachd, ion-ghabhaltas agus sunnd san àite-obrach. Mar fhastaiche a tha misneachail a thaobh ciorraim, tha sinn a’ toirt barantas gun toir sinn agallamh do gach tagraiche ciorramach a bhios a’ coinneachadh nan slatan-tomhais riatanach as lugha airson na dreuchd.


Job Purpose: To work as an effective member of a team, delivering a flexible, high quality, early learning and child care service that meets the needs of young children and their families.

Adhbhar Dreuchd: Obrachadh mar bhall èifeachdach de sgioba, a’ lìbhrigeadh seirbheis thràth-ionnsachaidh is cùraim-chloinne a tha sùbailte is àrd-inbhe agus a choinnicheas ri feumalachdan chloinn òga is an teaghlaichean.

Prior to confirming appointment, we will require successful candidates to become members of the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme.

Shortlisted applicants will normally be contacted by email, unless otherwise stated. Please check your emails regularly, including your junk/spam folder.

Those employed as Early Years Practitioner- qualified should hold a recognised qualification in Childcare and Education. (For example HNC/NNEB/SVQ 3) and will be paid on grade HC0535.

Unqualified workers employed as Early Years Practitioner- unqualified will be required to work towards one of the above awards within an agreed timescale and will be paid on grade HC0435.

The Early Years Practitioner is required to hold a relevant Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) registration or agree to apply to SSSC to register as a practitioner. On taking up the post, the Early Years Practitioner should register with the SSSC.’
If they are already registered and their employment with Highland Council means a change of employer they must inform the SSSC of any changes.

Qualifications in Food Handling and First Aid would be advantageous.

Tuilleadh fiosrachaidh / More info

Tha tagraichean dùinte airson an sanas-obrach seo. Tadhail air an duilleag obraichean airson cothroman ùra fhaicinn.

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