Manaidsear Trusadh Oileanach | Student Recruitment Manager

  • Làn-thìde / Full-time
  • Isle of Skye
  • Posted 2 years ago
  • Tha seo dùinte do thagraichean ùra / Applications have closed
  • Tuarastal / Salary: £27,937-£34,238 (depending on experience)
  • Cùmhnant / Contract: Permanent
  • Uairean san seachdain / Hours per week: 35 (full-time, or with the option to work part-time)
  • Gàidhlig / Gaelic: Riatanach / Essential

Làrach-lìn / Website SabhalMorOstaigSabhal Mòr Ostaig

Ionad Nàiseanta airson Cànan is Cultar na Gàidhlig

Sabhal Mòr Ostaig is looking for a Student Recruitment Manager to work full time or part time managing and delivering student recruitment activity as part of the Marketing and Communications department: promoting Sabhal Mòr Ostaig as the destination of choice for students interested in the Gaelic language and culture.

Applications available – to be submitted to by 5pm on 24/11/2022.

Please email with any questions regarding this role in the meantime.


Tha sinn a’ sireadh Manaidsear Trusadh Oileanach a tha air leth cruthachail is dealasach a bhios a’ lìbhrigeadh is a’ toirt gu buil obair trusadh oileanach. Bithear ag obair an lùib Sgioba Mhargaideachd agus Chonaltraidh gus Sabhal Mòr Ostaig a chur air adhart, aig ìre nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta, mar an t-àite dhan tigeadh oileanaich aig a bheil ùidh anns a’ chànan is a’ chultar.

Tuilleadh fiosrachaidh / More info


Tha tagraichean dùinte airson an sanas-obrach seo. Tadhail air an duilleag obraichean airson cothroman ùra fhaicinn.

Applications for this position are closed. Please visit the jobs page to see new positions.