Gaelic Parent and Toddler Development Worker – Skye area

  • Làn-thìde / Full-time
  • Anywhere
  • Posted 3 years ago
  • Tuarastal / Salary: £10.50
  • Cùmhnant / Contract: Permanent
  • Uairean san seachdain / Hours per week: 35

Làrach-lìn / Website Care and Learning Alliance

Neach-obrach Leasachaidh Pàrant is Pàiste Gàidhlig airson Sgìre an Eilein Sgitheanaich

Deagh chothrom a bhith a’ stiùireadh taic do bhuidhnean Gàidhlig Breith gu Trì anns an Eilean Sgitheanach.

Thig an lùib buidheann a tha adhartach is càirdeil do theaghlaichean.

Làn-ùine – 35 bun-uair san t-seachdain aig £10.50 san uair thar 20 seachdain (Gearran gu Ògmhios)

Cùmhnant sealach pro-rata – (Obair corra-uair taobh a-muigh nan teirmean sgoile).

Math dh’fhaodte gun leudaichear an dreuchd ma bhios maoineachadh ann.

Feumaidh tagraichean a bhith fileanta a’ bruidhinn na Gàidhlig, le mothachadh mu leasachadh chloinne agus deagh sgilean pearsanta.

Tha an dreuchd stèidhichte aig an taigh is bidh tòrr siubhail na lùib.

Gheibhear tuilleadh fiosrachaidh is pasgan iarrtais le fòn: 07984 460850 no post-d:

’S e Fastaiche Co-ionannachd Chothroman a tha san Care and Learning Alliance

Àireamh Carthannais na h-Alba SC009292


Gaelic Parent and Toddler Development Worker  required to cover Skye area

A great opportunity to be at the forefront of supporting Gaelic Birth to 3 groups in Skye.

Join a forward-looking, family-friendly organisation.

Full-time post – 35 core hours per week at £10.50 per hour over 20 weeks (February to June)

Pro-rata temporary contract – (Occasional work out-with school term time).

This post may be extended dependent on future funding.

Applicants should be fluent Gaelic speakers with an awareness of child development and good interpersonal skills.

The post is home-based and will involve considerable travel.

For more information and an application pack please contact: telephone: 07984 460850 or email:

Care and Learning Alliance is an Equal Opportunities Employer

Tuilleadh fiosrachaidh / More info

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