Sgrìobhadairean a dhìth airson artaigilean chomhairle / Writers needed for advice articles

Tha Obraichean Gàidhlig a’ lorg dhaoine gus artaigilean a’ sgrìobhadh neo bhidiothan a chlàradh mu dheidhinn a bhith a’ sireadh obair agus a bhith ag obair ann an dreuchd le Gàidhlig.

Tha sinn an dùil gum bi na h-artaigilean seo eadar 500 ’s 1,000 faclan agus air an sgrìobhadh sa Ghàidhlig, air neo bhidio eadar 3-6 mionaidean.  Gheibhear £20 airson artaigil neo bhidio a thèid fhoillseachadh.

‘S iad na beachdan a th’ againn airson cuspairean:

  • A’ sgrìobhadh cunntas-beatha Gàidhlig
  • Comhairle airson agallamhan
  • Eòlas ’s trèanadh feumail airson diofar dhreuchdan (m.e Dòighean airson trèanadh mar thidsear)
  • A’ cleachdadh na Gàidhlig san àite-obrach
  • A’ gluasad eadar gnìomhachasan

Bu mhath leinn measgachadh fhaighinn de dhaoine anns gach roinn ann an saoghal na h-obrach, leithid:

  • Foghlam
  • Na h-Ealainean
  • Craoladh
  • Foillseachadh
  • Seirbheis Poblach

Ma tha ùidh agaibh ann a bhith gar cuideachadh, neo ma tha beachdan agaibh air artaigil/bhidio a bhiodh feumail, cuiribh fios dhuinn leis an fhoirm gu h-ìosal neo gu air an eòlas a th’ agaibh agus tillidh sinn thugad.


Obraichean Gàidhlig is looking for collaborators to help with writing articles or recording videos about looking for jobs or working with Gaelic.

We are looking for articles of between 500 and 1,000 words written in Gaelic, or videos lasting between 3 and 6 minutes.  You will receive £20 for a published article or video.

Current ideas we have for subject include:

  • Writing a Gaelic CV
  • Interview advice
  • Useful experience or training for different careers (e.g. Ways to train as a teacher)
  • Using Gaelic in the workplace
  • Moving between industries

We’d like to have a mix of collaborators from different areas within the world of work, such as:

  • Education
  • The arts
  • Broadcasting
  • Publishing
  • Public service

If you are interested in helping us, or have ideas for articles/videos that would be useful, please let us know via the form below or to on your experience and we’ll reply to you.


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